أحدث العروض للسفر الى ماليزيا 2016 للمسافرون العرب

24 مارس 2014

لكل جدو عزيز عليك ربنا ما يحرمنا منهم ويرحمهم

لكل جدو عزيز عليك ربنا ما يحرمنا منهم ويرحمهم

عزيز عليك ربنا يحرمنا منهم 10151261_727376613961104_42516947_n.jpg

لكل جدو عزيز عليك ربنا ما يحرمنا منهم ويرحمهم

A Great-Grandpa to Me

This year would have been the first

that you could gladly say

how you'd become a Great-Grandpa

who's more proud every day.

Though you've been gone

for many years,

still you're loved just the same.

Now my son will be

our legacy

because he also shares your name.

And as he grows

he'll want to know

just how you used to be.

So I'll sob then smile

all the while

that he's upon my knee.

I'll make it clear

how very dear

I hold your memory,

And hide the pain

as I explain

what a great Grandpa you were to me..


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