أحدث العروض للسفر الى ماليزيا 2016 للمسافرون العرب

28 مايو 2014

قصة قصيرة كلماتها سهلة للمساعدة على سهولة التحدث

قصة قصيرة كلماتها سهلة للمساعدة على سهولة التحدث

Mouse and His Bug


Once there was a mouse

who lived in a great big house.

The mouse had a pet bug

which lived in his mug.

The mouse wasn't very happy

when his bug jumped into his favorite rug.

The mouse made the bug stay in his mug

and forbade it to go near the rug.

The bug just wouldn't listen

and jumped onto the rug

This time, the mouse was furious

and squashed it with his mug


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